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With the Fae
You find yourself in the realm of the Fae. It is beautiful, and peaceful, and dangerous. As you navigate these lands, remember the rules:
Offer not your true name, for it will be used in magick against you
Offer not your firstborn
Offer no gifts, for the Fae will see them as crude and insignificant compared to their beautiful creations
Accept gifts with a smile and thanks
Do not trust the Fae, or anything from their realm
Do not, under any circumstances, be rude.
Definitely DO NOT eat or drink what the fae offer. If you do, you'll be trapped forever.
Abide by their laws, and maybe, just maybe, you can get out. You may not want to leave; the realm is a beautiful place. But either way... mind you do not anger the Fae.
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License details for "With the Fae"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Fantasy Ambience by Heirloomsound from +)
- Ambient Synth by +)
- Fairy Bells by +)
- Pouring Tea by +)
- Deep Forest morning by kvgarlic from +)
- 7-11-14 wind-chimes.mp3 by mcushman1969 from +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License