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Lunglard - elvish moonrealm
This is the ambience of Valdance, the capital of Lunglars, the moonrealm of the elves. Most of the country consists of forest and swamp, through the city is the calm stream of a rives. Puddles are all over the city. It's never day, always slightly dark, but the lanterns keep the moon elves on the right path. The lanterns give off a magical blue light because they are filled with moonstones. To strangers, the moon elves might look creepy because of their very pale skin, but moon elves are the most kind species of elves.
i use this ambience to guide me through writing the chapters of my book which take place in Lunglard/Valdance.
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License details for "Lunglard - elvish moonrealm"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Footsteps in Puddles by "Footsteps, Puddles, A.wav" by InspectorJ of +)
- Elf forest by Brandon Fiechter from +)
- Stream by Flame +)
- Market People NL by +)
- swamp.mp3 by LilyMarie +)
- horse by someone +)
- Horse walking - stereo by Swiftoid from +)
- French conversation, laughter by thorvandahl from +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License