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Inverted Forest
Deeper in this layer, there is an area known as the "Inverted Forest". This is an area where updrafts and wind currents coming from the Abyss are so strong that the environment effectively flips, creating a forest of upside-down platforms that delvers have to jump across—even water flows upwards. The Force Field of the Abyss, the cause of the Strain of Ascension, is weaker here compared to the other areas of the 2nd layer. Thus the environment here is also darker and colder. Because of the weakened Force Field, an observation camp was built from a particularly large tree in the Inverted Forest, the Great Tree of Porta, to serve as a resting point for delvers. The camp is now called Seeker Camp, and is run by the legendary White Whistle Ozen and her team of delvers, the Subterranean Bandits.
Comments for "Inverted Forest"
License details for "Inverted Forest"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Night_Forest_Fauna by atmosphere program generated *)
- Wind Howling Nighttime Loop by Dynamicell, Torgeirr *)
- Windy ambience by mrauralization from http://freesound.org +)
- night crickets by rayjensen +)
- Leaves rustling by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license