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Château des Démons
{ This ambiance was made for a specific location in a story of mine }
{ If you are the author of the image and want me to replace the image with something else I'll be glad to do so }
Château des Démons is a peculiar old castle looming over the cartoony land of Canvas Island. In it resides a group of toons who formerly were doing only evil. The head of the toons used to hold a grudge against his sibling, the mayor of the town nearby, ToonValley. He's finally calmed after years of anger and lives with the few that he had let stay in the castle. In a way, they were like family.
There's the sound of a piano echoing through the empty halls with a faint musicbox playing sometimes...
Comments for "Château des Démons"
License details for "Château des Démons"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Piano Playing a Music Box Song by aciffone +)
- Manor Draft 01 by Fox Forrester +)
- wind_wind-chimes by +)
- Music box phrase by Mariusz Jasionowicz - +)
- Wolf Howl by naturestemper from +)
- Footsteps on tiled floor by soundmary from +)
- Shadow Monsters 2 by Square Enix +)
- Burning Torches by *)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License
*) license
*) license