- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Alice in the Maze
She moves uneasily through the garden, flanked on all sides by hedges so tall they seem to reach the purple night sky. It is deceptively mild outdoors for the peril Alice finds herself in.
A Cheshire cat's purr tells her she's made a correct turn. (Though "correct" here means a turn the cat finds agreeable, not necessarily a turn that will lead her where she desires to go.) She startles every so often at the sounds just on the other side of the hedges: a rock being tossed into a pond, a clash of sleepless cards practicing what they shall do if they catch her, and, on occasion, Alice swears she hears another set of footsteps besides her own. It's hard to tell with the wind blowing her apron about.
Lifting her chin, the precocious adventurer forges on through the maze, determined to escape the maze and, by extension, Red Queen's castle. She'd rather not be decapitated over painting some silly white roses red.
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License details for "Alice in the Maze"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Flapping Cotton by benbocan from http://freesound.org +)
- Medieval music by Caleb Hennessy +)
- forest_wind_summer by Don't know +)
- Walking on Dirt by Fox Forrester +)
- -Cat Purring- by soundJet from http://youtube.com +)
- Water_splash by soundscalpel.com +)
- Sword training by Thimblerig from https://freesound.org/ +)
- grandfather clock ticking by Zermoth at https://www.freesound.org/people/Zermonth/sounds/116636/ +)